The Sleep Solution You’ve Been Looking For

Getting enough sleep is a huge part of maintaining a healthy and happy life, but simply going to bed early isn’t always enough. The quality of the sleep that you get on a regular basis has just as much of an impact on your life as how many hours you are sleeping.

At Village Dental at Saxony, our mission is to enhance the quality of life of people and their partners through a good night’s sleep. If you consistently feel tired and drained of energy and you believe chronic snoring or sleep apnea could be to blame, please contact our office. We want to help you treat your symptoms, enhance your life, and feel better on a daily basis.

sleeping woman wearing a CPAP mask

Traditional Treatments Don’t Always Cut It

There are many snoring and sleep apnea solutions on the market that don’t work well for certain patients or simply don’t work well at all. In other cases, it can be difficult to stick with certain treatment options, and patients will give up on them. CPAP machines, for example, are bulky and can be difficult to sleep with. If you’ve tried sleeping on your side, sleeping sitting up, or using nasal strips, and nothing seems to be working, our team would love to help.

closeup of a person holding an ARORA case

Village Dental Proudly Uses the ARORA Anti-Snoring Device

ARORA oral appliances are small, comfortable to wear, and have a 96% success rate when it comes to helping patients sleep better. After meeting with our knowledgeable team and discussing your symptoms, your custom device can be designed and created in less than an hour, meaning you can start sleeping better that very night.

ARORA appliances work by holding the jaw slightly forward while the patient sleeps, which prevents the muscles in the back of the throat from blocking the airway. When the patient is free to breathe normally throughout the night, they can avoid waking up frequently and finally achieve a peaceful, refreshing night of sleep.

Take Our Quiz To Find Out If Our Snore Device Is Right For You!

Sleep Solutions

Have you been snoring for more than 1 year?(Required)
Do you feel like you are getting regular, deep sleep?(Required)
Do you snore 3 or more times per week?(Required)
Do you ever wake up feeling exhausted?(Required)
Have you tried a traditional sleep apnea treatment?(Required)
Would you be willing to try a custom fit device for 7 nights, completely FREE to help you sleep better?(Required)


Village Dental at Saxony

Village Dental at Saxony